OUR Team

We are a church that believes in Jesus & loves God

Pastor Remi Odedoyin b

Pastor (Dr.) 'Remi Odedoyin


Pastor ‘Remi Odedoyin is an intellectual turned preacher with a PhD in political philosophy in addition to postgraduate degrees in a few other disciplines, including Pastoral theology. An anointed man of God, Pastor Odedoyin is passionate about impacting lives and helping people to discover their purpose and maximize their potentials in line with the will of God for them. His passion is primarily to help people to discover and avail themselves of the glorious fellowship that God extends to all, and its attendant blessings both now and in eternity.

In his teaching ministry, PRO, as he is fondly called, draws, with the help of the Holy Spirit, copiously on his scholarly background. He teaches the Word with passion and profundity, always bringing out new and refreshing insights even as he seeks to point to Jesus Christ in every word of the Bible – from Genesis to Revelation. PRO is a man of rugged faith who believes that with faith in God anything is possible.

PRO is a spiritual father and role model to all RCCG, House of Faith Connections family members and many people beyond. In addition to pastoring RCCG, House of Faith Connections, Dagenham, PRO currently lectures on the Theology Degree courses run by Christ the Redeemers College in collaboration with Middlesex University. PRO is married to Christie Odedoyin, also an ordained Pastor of the Redeemed Christian Church of God; and they are blessed with four wonderful children.


Pastor Christie Odedoyin


Pastor Christie Odedoyin (aka Testimony) is an anointed woman of God who leads with grace and humility. PCO is the wife to Pastor ‘Remi Odedoyin of the House of Faith Connections. She is passionate about prayer, hospitality and marriage building. Pastor Christie remarkably counsels couples on relationship, drawing heavily on her experience of over 23 years of marriage.

Pastor Christie is the host of women praying together (an interdenominational gathering of Christian women). She also hosts two other annual conferences: Women of Faith in Affluence (WOFIA), and Spirit of Dorcas; and together with her husband, she co-hosts prayer retreat (Zion Prayer retreat) twice a year. Through her Mercy Court charity initiative, PCO is able to extend herself to the needy in the society. Pastor Christie is a compulsive giver and mother to many, both within and outside HOFC. Married to PRO, and together blessed with four children.