Domestic abuse comes in a variety of forms often with many people not realising its occurring. It can lead to a range of physical, psychological and emotional side effects. Domestic abuse can happen to anyone and from anyone including family members, partners and friends.
At The Beacon, we believe that every person has the right to live a life of freedom. We are committed to supporting people who need us and helping them to live to their fullest potential. These are values that we uphold and will continue to champion. Today, we continue to help and support people from domestic abuse by providing confidential accommodation through support programmes.
We offer a Confidential Telephone Helpline and ongoing support to women with families and single women. Women will be treated with respect and valued as individuals. We also will sign post the women to support services that will meet their ongoing needs for example:
We have a confidentially-located community setting in which each family or individual is provided with furnished, temporary accommodation. This encourages independence and ownership of their situation, aspects that are normally taken away in an abusive relationship, as they take part in a resettlement programme. We work in conjunction with other agencies and housing associations to empower them to reintegrate with full independence and confidence in a community of their choice.
As with all the services we provide, we not only offer a place of safety but tailor-make programmes to provide people with the skills and tools to end the cycle of their previous situation and move on to a life of independence and freedom. Some of what we help with includes:
Not only is it important to move on from the trauma they have experienced using tailored support, fun is a key element in the life of any local community and rebuilding self-esteem and confidence.
There are frequent activities such as video nights, hair and beauty nights, quizzes through the library and games evenings for children. Children’s workers are responsible for weekly children’s groups and during the holidays the centre provides a holiday scheme for the children. Our local work in our churches and Lifehouses – residential centres which support people who are experiencing homelessness – often put our staff and members in contact with people who are experiencing domestic abuse where we offer appropriate services through to helping to furnish accommodation and give practical advice. We continue to offer support for when residents move on, ensuring they stay moved on.
Abuse can come in many forms, some of which may not be obvious, but is aimed at having and retaining power over you. The NHS provides a comprehensive list of the signs that you may be in a domestically abusive relationship, some of which you can find below.
If you are worried you are being abused there are various steps you can take to seek help:
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