
Loving God, Loving

Others and Serving the World

people in the service

We are a church that believes in Jesus & loves God and people

Our Belief

We have discovered that the purpose for our creation –any man- is to please and fellowship with God i.e. to give pleasure to God (Rev.4:11). The fellowship that God purposes for us is an unbroken one – a continuum, so to say. In other words, when we are on earth here we must please Him and when our journey on earth comes to an end we must continue the fellowshipping in heaven. The ultimate purpose for us therefore is to please God on earth and to make heaven when our earthly sojourn is over.

Fellowshipping with God here on earth thus presupposes constant efforts on our part to live a life of holiness and faith. Of course, we must not be selfish with this truth discovery, but extend it to as many people as possible. This indeed is our great commission. And as the faithful God that he is, when our lives give Him pleasure, not only will he ensure our eternity with him, our lives will also be enriched with divine blessings while here on earth (Matthew 6:33) thereby ensuring the fulfilment of our desires and expectations, and even much more (Ephesians 3:20).


The Miracle of Salvation

Our Blog

Till Death Do Us Part

How much do we allow relationship suffer, our hearts ache and the devil laughs, because of our seed of unforgiveness. Feeling sorry for yourself, due to the pain your husband

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